The School of St Jude
The mission of The School of St Jude is to educate disadvantaged, bright students from the Arusha District to become moral and intellectual leaders in their country and for St Jude's to thereby demonstrate educational leadership in Tanzania.
The way St Jude's do things is different. With generous and ongoing support from individuals and institutions around the world we have built an exceptional educational institution and the largest charity-funded school in Africa of its kind. Every single one of our students was chosen because they combined academic promise with a desperately poor background and a great attitude to work. We feed them, house them, educate them, and do everything possible to ensure our students' wellbeing and future success. As a result we have three campuses filled with happy and healthy children in a country where children frequently drop out of school.
Each child we invite into the school represents another family who has the opportunity to escape the cycle of poverty.